
Access via Desktop

How do I access my customer computer remotely?

Technicians can create a remote session to access a customer's computer to provide remote assistance.

To create a remote session,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Select 'Access customer device'.
  3. Enter the customer's email address and click 'Start Now'.

Note: If you enter the email address, the customer will receive an email invite to initiate the remote session.

Alternatively, click 'Start Now' and copy the session link/code to share with the customer to invite them. You can also invite via email or SMS.

Once the customer accepts the invite, click 'Join' to download the setup and initiate the remote session.

How do I share my screen for remote support?

Yes, technicians can share their screen with customers for remote demo.

To share the screen,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Select 'Share my screen' and click 'Start Now'.
  3. The connection screen will appear. A setup will be downloaded to your system. Launch this application to share your screen.
  4. Share the link, code, or send an email invite to the customer to join the session.

Where can I view the sessions and their status?

You can view the list of sessions and session details in the home screen of the HelpDesk application.

  1. Under 'Session', the following options are available:
    1. Date and time of the session
    2. Topic/query to be covered in the session
    3. Type of session, either remote support or screen share
    4. Customer detail and session status
    5. Technician option to initiate or end the session
  2. Under 'History', view resolved sessions.
  3. Under 'Favorites', all the important sessions that have been marked in 'History' will be displayed.

Note: Sessions with a valid customer email address can only be marked as Favorites.

How do I close a remote session?

To close the session,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Click against a finished session that you want to resolve.
  3. Click 'Resolve'.
  4. Click 'Yes' in the popup confirmation. The session will be resolved.

Can I transfer files between remote and local computers during an ongoing remote session?

Yes, you can transfer files and folders between your local and remote computer.

To transfer files/folders,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Establish a remote connection with a remote computer.
  3. Haga clic en RemotePC Helpdesk. The File Transfer window appears.
  4. To send files / folders from your local to remote computer, from the local computer drop-down menu, select files / folders you want to send, and click 'Send'.
  5. To receive files / folders from the remote to your local computer, from the remote computer drop-down menu, select files / folders, and click 'Receive'.

El progreso de la transferencia se muestra en la sección "Cola de trabajos".

Can I adjust my customer's remote screen during an ongoing session?

Yes, you can adjust the remote computer's screen.

To adjust the screen,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Establish connection with a remote computer.
  3. Haga clic en RemotePC Helpdesk and select 'Best Fit' to fit the screen to your local computer window.
  4. To enter a full-screen mode, click RemotePC Helpdesk

To adjust the screen resolution of multiple monitors, hover over the monitor you wish to change the resolution and select the resolution.

You can also adjust the speed of the screen updates and quality at which the remote screen updates are transmitted with the 'Better Speed' and 'Better Quality' options respectively. Click 'Auto' for the default setting that controls the speed and quality of remote sessions.

How can I switch monitor screens of my remote computer?

To switch between monitors,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Establish connection with a remote computer.
  3. Haga clic en RemotePC Helpdesk and select the monitor that you wish to view.

Can I chat with my customer during a remote session?

Yes, to chat with the customer at the remote end,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Establish connection with a remote computer.
  3. Haga clic en RemotePC Helpdesk and 'Chat'.

Type your message in the chat window and click 'Send'

How can I access Whiteboard?

Para acceder a la pizarra,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Establish connection with your customer's remote computer.
  3. Haga clic en RemotePC Helpdesk and 'Whiteboard'.

Alternatively, Click RemotePC Helpdesk on the desktop notification. The whiteboard panel will pop up on the screen.


Can I record an ongoing remote session?

Yes, you can record a remote session in progress.

To start recording,

  1. Launch the HelpDesk application and log in.
  2. Establish connection with a remote computer.
  3. Haga clic en RemotePC Helpdesk and 'Record Now'.
  4. The recording will be started.

To stop recording, click RemotePC Helpdesk and 'Stop Recording'. You can access the recordings in 'Remote Access Logs'.


Can I switch to the admin mode during an ongoing session?

Yes, you can switch from non-admin mode to admin mode during an ongoing session, without disconnecting the session

To switch to admin mode:

  1. Haga clic en and select 'Reconnect as Admin'.
  2. You will be prompted to enter credentials to access Admin privileges.
  3. Choose a method to enter credentials:
    • Enter credentials by technician (You): Enter the Windows admin credentials for the remote computer and click 'OK'. After the remote user confirms authorization, you will be able to access the remote computer as an admin.
    • Enter credentials by remote user: The remote user will be notified with a confirmation message. Wait for the remote user to confirm. Once the remote user confirms authorization, you will be able to access the remote computer as an admin.